Saturday, June 03, 2006
OK... Back frm KL.
The bus was nice. Its called Nice Bus..
The double decker Nice bus i took to KLThe hotel was nice. I dun mind staying there on my own.
The accountant was nice.
But the work was not nice.
Met Tasya there. That was nice! Rode in her Kelissa.
Had Nandos for dinner. So, very OZ..
Why dun they have Nandos here in SG?
Tasya and me in her Kelissa post dinner@ NandosI was so overwhelmed by the number of food outlets in the shopping center there. It was so overwhelming that i thought Tasya found me weird when i kept asking, "Ni semua boleh makan eh?" "Eh, ada BreadTalk, boleh makan eh?" Which she would reply with a confused look on her face, "Kenapa u tanya macam tu?" *LOL* Hehe..sorry Tasya. Anyways, thank you for bringing me around in KL. Really appreciated that. It was really great meeting up with u after some time. Gee, the last time we met was after ur graduation somewhere in March last year!
KLCC at night
I was fascinated with KLCC. It was just fascinating looking at it at night. There are many buildings that i love looking at..they're so full of lights!
Then, on my last night there, me, being me, got lost on the way back to the hotel.
It was raining. Hailed 2 cabs and both of them do not know where the hotel that i was staying at was. Waited for nearly half an hour, when i decided to walk back. I was told that if i could reach KLCC, i was halfway there to my hotel.
Upon reaching KLCC, i decided to take a walk in that huge shoping centre, did a bit of look see, and deciding what to have for dinner. Saw Rotiboy, and decided to have their famous bread and a slice of cheesecake.
Then, i walked out of KLCC from the same way that i came in, and walked happily hoping to find the hotel within the next 10 minutes.
Of course, i was wrong.
After walking for ages in my wedged heels, (thank God, the rain stopped) passing other hotels and clubs, i ended up in KLCC again. Saw lots of cabs and decided to hop into one of them.
He, too, don't know where my hotel was. But he tried driving, tried asking the intercom and was told that hotel i was staying at had changed to a new name. And i was like, "No...its not that hotel.." Then he thought i was referring to another hotel. And then as he was driving, i thought i saw him passed my hotel, and i told him, "hey, u just passed the hotel."
He drove again, and ended up at the same spot where had hopped into his taxi earlier.
I told him to go back to the same road which he took, and i directed him to my hotel.
Ironic. I was lost, and in the end, i directed the taxi driver back to my hotel.
I reached my hotel room,safe and sound, tired, frustrated and hungry, had my Rotiboy, my campbell soup and cheesecake, which i couldn't finish.
However, on the final day, from the office to the Old railway where i took my bus back to Sg, i had a friendly cab driver, which i didn't mind having conversation with him. Interesting conversation in English all the way, even though we're both Malay. (Ok, that was another ironic thing, coz i was geared up wo speak in Malay.) Talked abt his trips he made with his friends to Europe, and an upcoming trip they're planning to China at the end of the year. So fun, i told him. Talked abt how i got lost the night before, n how i finally got back to the hotel, which he replied, "Alamak, memalukan kaum pemandu teksi la"
But, i found it funny how you're able to drive, made conversation and sharp at the same time. He caught me by surprised when he asked me, "So, are you married? I saw a ring on your finger," And we talked abt rings.
Showing the building of American Embassy, and then Singapore Embassy, and talking abt the jam, when he went, "Oh, i like your necklace.. Its pretty, and unique." Surprised again, i just said my thank you and told him it was a gift from my ex-housemate.
I mean, really, i didn't know men noticed the little things that we wear like necklace and rings.
He took a short cut way to the shopping centers' carpark, and the next thing i knew, i had reached my destination, in, like, an hour, despite the jam.
Let me say something about the bus. It reminded me of an airplane, with their LCD screens and all, only, this bus had ample leg room. There was even a 'bus-steward', if i may call it, to serve us drinks, and sandwiches and coffee/tea.
[LCD screens and ample legroom] [[[[[[[[[[[My sandwich]]]]]]]]]]]]]
Oh, i watched Duplex which i enjoyed and Alexander which made me slept halfway, well, i just dun fancy watching a movie with lotsa killing, that's all. No, i was just plain tired.
Till then...

P.S: Something is wrong with the allignment. Can't seem to centralise my pictures!
I just realised something, is it just me, or are there too many words that rhyme in this entry?
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:24 PM