Tuesday, May 16, 2006
2 days ago, i was seeing stars when i was asked to start on the audit of a new company.
A few months ago, i thought, having to look at and work with handwritten ledgers was bad enough.
2 days ago, not only all their books were handwritten, they were ALL written in Bahasa Melayu! Then i start seeing stars.
And new words that i've never heard of.
Like, what is
benevolent?(thats English, by the way)
What is
Khairat Kematian?
Well, now i know what those 2 words mean. Thanks to Oxford dictionary and my mum.
Their books were all so big. When i first saw them, i thought it was someone else's wedding photo album. Really big AND thick! The yellow thing u see above is the normal A4 size foolscap paper... That serves as a guide for u to imagine how big their book is! *lol*
So yeah.. Its just that i've never seen such a huge book before! I never thought that i need to work with a book that size! One GIGANTIC book that is.. hehe. While working on, it, i felt like as if i'm in anoher era. Like those bangsawan times... :p
Its more than mid May now.
Its time i stop thinking about that company that i hope to work for. Coz the call that i've been waiting for never 'came'.
I think i screwed up towards the end of the interview.
So, i guess, i'll stick with the current company.. for now.
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 10:10 PM