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Saturday, April 29, 2006

*This entry will be repeated in all my 4 blogs to express how unhappy i was with a particular Comfort Cab Driver*

Caution: Long entry ahead...

I was so pissed with a Comfort taxi driver because he just fled off without saying anything after we told him where we wanted to go.

The best thing was, this happened at Singapore International Airport Terminal 2.

When we (my mum, my sis and my cousin) were queuing up at the taxi stand at T2, I was very impressed at how systematic and orderly the taxis took their empty spots while passengers from all over the world walk towards them, and then the drivers would help them with their luggage. I was very proud to see what I saw, (but then again, it was expected coz it’s at the airport, aren’t they suppose to give a very good impression on how orderly and systematic and kind and polite they (the taxi drivers) are?)

When it was our turn, the man directed us to our taxi, like he would do to all the people in the queue. So, happily we went towards the blue Comfort taxi. My sister and cousin tried to open the door but it was locked. He wound down the window, giving my sister hand gestures which translate to “where??” Once my sister told him our destination, we were getting ready to open the door, I looked back for one second and the next thing I knew, the cab driver was no longer there. He drove off! No, more like he fled off!! The way he drove off was like as if we were carrying some kind of contagious disease that might spread to him or something. Or that we were all ghosts.

We were stunned! Very stunned. Extremely, shockingly stunned. Too stunned that we couldn’t do or say anything. After recovering from that stunned-cannot-do-anything-moment, a few seconds later, I turned to the man who direct us to that cab (I know its not his fault) and asked him “What was that??!” with a smile. So, I decided to be light-hearted about it towards him coz I know its so not his fault. Oh, before that, I raised my right hand towards the cab that decided not to have us as his passenger. Please note, I just raised my right hand with all my five fingers in the air (no, not high-5, more like, ‘hey, w.t.f was that??!!’). All my 5 fingers were in the air, not just one middle finger coz I dun do that.

The man who directed us the cab was shocked too at the Comfort driver’s reaction towards us, but he just said kindly, “oh its ok, never mind, we have plenty of cabs. You can take the next one.”

Just because we were not tourists and were not carrying any big luggage, doesn’t mean he can choose not to have us as his passengers. Just because we were not white or black, doesn’t mean we cannot pay u to get to our destination. Just because..ok, I can go on and on and on…and won’t stop.

I was so angry (plus my sis and my cousin) that I decide to put up this entry in each of my 4 blogs. I couldn’t tell if my mum was angry by this incident, I think she was more like, amused. Well, we were amused by it too. But at the same time, we were shocked, which turned to anger.

We were so angry that we decided to write in to Comfort website if they have any feedback and not only that, we will be writing to The Straits Time Forum as well.

I was really pissed that I hope he would not get any passengers for the rest of the night, the rest of the week, till the rest of the month. I wanted to say that I hope he would not get any passengers while driving for the rest of the year, but I think that was a little too extreme.

I hope something happen to his cab while driving tonight. Perhaps the four tyres will flattened out along the expressway., and no one will stop to help him, or if someone were to stop, to see what happen to his tyres, they will just drive off like how he drove off like he did to us.

I hope that his fuel will run really low, and when he’s like a 2 km away from the petrol station his cab would not start so that he would have to walk all the way to the petrol station only to realize that he do not have enough cash to buy any petrol.

I hope, I hope, I hope….what goes around comes around, Mr. Comfort cab driver.

*sings what goes around comes around what goes up must come down…*


I guess it’s a sign that I have to take up that refresher course from Comfort Driving Center so that I can drive a manual car again properly, so that I (and my mum and my sister or any or my family member) will not encounter that kind of unpleasant experience again.

Oh, we didn’t drive to the airport to send my cousin off to India for a business trip because my dad used the car for his weekly badminton game with his friends. That’s why we have to take the taxi.

I don’t dislike all cab drivers, just that particular Comfort cab driver that just drove away. That was just plain RUDE. Oh, I hope you (that particular Comfort cab driver) will get extremely rude passengers who will make your life difficult for the rest of your career as a cab driver. I hope all your passengers are as rude as you. I hope all your passengers will just get off your cab without paying you anything when u send them to their intended destination. I hope someone will take note of your name and that particular license plate and file a complaint so bad against you that all taxi companies will have to ban you from being a cab driver for at least 20 years.

I am still so pissed at you, Mr, Rude Cab Driver.


On a lighter note, did you watch the Amazing Race? They went to W.A Perth!! They went to Fremantle Sailing Club!! I didn’t know there’s a Fremantle Sailing Club in Fremantle in Perth.

I was so excited that they were in Perth that I forgot about Mr. Rude Cab driver for a moment.

I was so excited that I got excited when I saw the familiar 13 13 30 cab.
I got excited when I saw the familiar Rego sticker on the windscreen of the 13 13 30 cab.
I was so excited when I saw the white pelicans.
I was so excited when I saw the white sailing boats in Fremantle.
I was just so excited that they were in Perth.

But, I was so sad that _____ and ______ had been eliminated from the race. In case u have not watched that episode, I decided not to put up their names..

I managed to watch just the last 15 minutes of the show, but I will try to catch the full show on AXN tomorrow. …

I believe this entry is too long now.
And I believe that I have to stop before I go on and on and on…

Enjoy the long weekend! :)

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 1:12 AM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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