Friday, April 21, 2006
The Amazing Race just ended.
I'm so proud of Fran and Barry.
And, i'm so glad that that its not the elimination round, and that the hippies will still be around i the next episode. I like them too. They're so...colourful!
Yesterday, Ace was eliminated. I'm not his fan, but i felt sad that he's got the lowest number of votes. Of course, I didn't want Paris and Chris to leave either... so, yeah.
When i came home this evening, my mum was cooking sardines. She said we did not have any salt left and wanted to get ready to go and buy. Since i was already dressed (coz, i just got back from work, remember?), i decided to go down again and buy the box of salt.
All this while i thought salt cost between $1.00-$1.20. When i managed to find the salt at the convenience store, i asked the lady how much it was. I was a little shockled to know that it cost just, 45 cents!! So cheap!! I never knew salt is that cheap. Usually, when we spent 45 cents, we'd get some sweets or something small. I felt weird handing over 45 cents to the lady.
Salt costs 45 cents!
I dunno how many grams. But, 45 cents!!
You came into my dream again.This time, u were just there, sitting at the same table with me,with sompe people, i dun really know, but i was practically ignoring you.Stop coming into my dream and meet me in real life, can?
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:06 PM