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Wednesday, April 26, 2006

I have officially resigned.

So does that mean i have to leave already?

I actually asked my supervisor that after handing her my resignation letter, (after she asked for it..hehe)

So, i left, 1 hour after reaching the office.

I still find it amusing.
And odd.

Think The Apprentice.

Then met the 2 babes at Bugis where they go around Arab Street to look for chiffons and lace.
Before that it was Gelato ice cream (Sitti kat sini ada gelato tau! I ate that fererro for u.. hehe) then 2 fish soup noodle with milk, and shreded mushroom chicken noodle.
Then it was Beard Papa and chill out at Coffee Bean.

Oh, and Mar, got her much belated birthday present... :)

What happened this morning was odd.
I'm still amused by it...

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:06 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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