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Sunday, July 09, 2006

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The trip to KL with my collegue Joyce was just not too bad.

Most of the time i was rushing through my work in the office, skipping my lunch, coz i was worried that i couldn't finish my job of auditing 2 companies in less than 3 days! Rushing like a mad woman. And oh, one of the staff there, actually called me, Cik Linda. I find that amusing, though. I think i'm much younger than her . She walked pass my room, and asked "Cik Linda tak nak makan lunch ke?"[Not having lunch, Miss Linda>'] or "Cik Linda banyak kerja lagi?"["Still lots of work, Miss Linda?"] That wasa a first time for me. To be called, Cik Linda. Hehe..

We had dinner at the much talk about Madam Kwan, i ordered Asam Laksa and i thought that tasted weird. I didn't like it. Hee~ I still prefer Maggie's Asam Laksa.

The following night, met up with Tasya and boyfriend, Syawal where he drove us up to Genting. The trip up to Genting was alright, albeit the sharp turns along the way which kinda worry me a little. I was glad i didn't suffer frm any motion sickness, but when i was up on the ferris wheel in the indoor theme park, which seem to go on and on forever, i suffered a mild giddiness. *rolls eyes* We end the night by siting by the roadside at Gombak, eating durian.

I was like a mad woman again in the office trying to finish up my work from 9-3.15 where i set my alarm to remind me to start packing all my files into my luggage. 3 thick files, 2 company black bags. This time, i went to KL with a bigger bag, which i borrowed frm my cousin, one smaller bag, a bagpack to put in my laptop and my handbag which i carry to the office. Many extra bags!

Joyce came in a cab around 4.30 to collect me to go to the airport. The taxi ride gave me a headache again. Checked in our luggae, (my luggage in total weighs 22 kilos! and i strongly believe that my own peronal items weighs only 5 kilos or less!)

Since it was my first time on an Air Asia plane,i was excited and wanted to snap a picture of me next to the plane. Apparently that was not allowed. Well, i only manage to snap just one pic before the guys said that was not allowed. *rolls eyes again*

To Air Asia, next time, put a signage or some form of posters/announcement saying no picture taking/cameras allowed ok. How was i suppose to know that no pictures are allowed to be taken?

Then, another first time at woodlands imigration checkpoint.

Our cab was stopped, and the officers asked for our passports, and then one of them said, "Ladies, routine checks", which i happily replied, "OK!" thinking they just wanted to check the cab, but, they actualy wanna do a thorough check up on us and our luggages. They opened our bags, looked though all the items, went through all the tiniest pockets, basically they went through EVERYTHING! They must've have thought what boring people we were coz all they saw in our luggages are just tonnes of papers andfiles and stationeries and calculators. Not even any shopping items found. Far frm any cigarettes/chewing gums/vcd/alcohol. If i had bought any of those items, surely they'll be confiscated, coz they opened up each and every items found in our luggage from ourpencil cases, to our audit bags to my make up bag, to my purse, coin pouch and even my contact lense case! I really mean ALL!

That was a first time for me in my whole life. I mean, do we look like criminals to them? Heh!

And during this trip, the first time which i couldn't believe that would happen to me was when i realised that i actually forgot to bring my comb! I can't believe that i actualy forgot to bring my comb!!!
I've been forgetful lately. I realised that i only put on one ear-ring on my left ear and forgot to put on the other ear. I forgot where i put my receipt of the apartment deposit of RM 500 which was needed before we checked out of the apartment.Those are just among the things that i forgot.

The final first time for the week was when i went to the Preview of NDP 2006!
For the first time in my whole life, i went to National Stadium to watch the preview!

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Thank you sis!

My freind got married today.
And i didn't attend her wedding.

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 9:25 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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