Saturday, June 17, 2006
I was looking through my fotopages at this hour when i saw him come online a few seconds ago.
*Let me rewind a bit. Today at the office, i had a familiar strong twitch in my eye..*
I was too shocked. Just a mild shock which was 1/10000th of the ultimate shock that i experienced exactly 5 months ago.
Coz he's not the msn kind. Well, not that i know of. Coz the only time i chatted with him was the few weeks before i left Perth. I doubt he even know that i know that he's online now.
And, oh perfect timing.
I found out the bloody truth abt him exactly 5 months ago. On this exact same date. Seventeenth-January-two-thousand-and-six.
Now exactly 5 months later, i saw him online. Well, just saw him.
I aint gonna prompt him with my hi.
Of course i was *very* tempted to click on his nick and type, "so how's the wedding preparation?"
Of course again, i didn't.
I've always wanted to blog abt this thing on the seventeenth day of the month since Feb. But there's always something that prevented me frm doing so.
Till today. Kirakan apa? To commemorate the 5th month agony-vasary la?
Coz, 5 months ago, on this date, i thought i was losing my mind. I thought i was going insane. That was the biggest, rudest shock that i've experienced so far.
Ok, pause. I just did what i was tempted to do. Refer to the previous five paragraph.
Bloody hell.
The msn nick is blinking and i'm too scaredto see his reply.. Coz i didn't expect him to reply. I thought he wouldn't know how to reply. Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t!!
Now i wanna cry. Tsk.
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 12:58 AM