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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
how was ur wedding prep?

dean says:
hey,tot u wud'nt talk to me anymore....aniway,i'm stil in process for wedding hav u been doing?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
of course i wont talk to u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
by the way congrats ya! for being so...*i dunno what word to describe u*
dean says:
i mean kip in touch again...

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i mean why shd i?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u just hide after i found out that truth abt u
dean says:
i noe u r damn upset wit me...i'm so so sory...i felt so guilty
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
oh really?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
with ur denials and all? u are so not sorry

dean says:
from bottom of ma heart
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
bull shit
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
if i used to believed everything u said last time, thats not gonna be the case now
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
coz every words that u've said have been nothing but lies
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
and u mean to say it took u five months to say that ur sorry?
dean says:
u can say wateva u wan...but this time i'm sincerely sorry

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i found out abt u exactly on this date, 5 bloody months ago
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
exactly on 17th jan!
dean says:
i'm so ashamed to talk,and even worst meeting u...i'm sory

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
ya right
dean says:
can we b frens?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u are asking me that now?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dunno what were u thinking
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dunno what u were thinking then, i dunno what u are thinking now
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dun even know u
dean says:
i noe tat u r so angry wit me,i'm not blaming u...its my fault

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
say ur heart out....i'm here to listen
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i just wanna know something
dean says:
say it
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
why did u do it? why did u do what u did?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
why did u look for me just a month before ur engagement?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
why did u give me hope?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
and how long has that been gg on?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
all the while right?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
to think of it, u r such a coward not to tell me straight to my face
dean says:
i wana tell u the real situation but i jus can't...i can't bear to hurt u..i'm really sory
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u think u can run and hide and everything will be alright
dean says:
i'm not running or hiding frm u...
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
*i can't bear to hurt you.i'm really sorry.* cut that crap la
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
not runing or hiding
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
then all this while what have u been doing?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
of course
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u're too busy with the wedding prep
dean says:
there u go again...

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i shd have known better
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
there i go again what?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u didn't even call to clarify the situation
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
leaving me on my own
dean says:
i'm listening
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u r not listening coz im not talking
dean says:
well,i understand how u felt
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
whats there to listen
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
no u don understand how i felt
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u nv did
dean says:
so u hate me?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dunno
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dun hate ui just hate what u did to me
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
hate hate hate
dean says:
i lied to u before,but not tis me
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u lied to me before, u lie to me forever
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i trusted u back then
dean says:
no i've stop
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
n u betrayed my trust
dean says:
u really make me in guilt
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u put urself in guilt
dean says:
i'm sory...really sory...i really dun meant to hurt u dis way
dean says:
i'm so sory
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
stop saying ur sorry
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
coz i know ur not
dean says:
yes i am
dean says:
yes i'm sory

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
dean says:
a big YES
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
mayb ur studies at oversea make us apart

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
yago onput the balme on me
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
if u see that as a big factor,
dean says:
no i'm not blaming u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
why did u do it even though u know im gg away?
dean says:
i guez its hard to see u smile again
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
who's the one who called you?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
who's the one who sends u msg?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
and come to think of it, i cae back EVERY semester break
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
hoping to meet up with u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
but still, who's the one pulling away?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
who's the one who came up with lame excuses
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
left hp in the office la
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
forgot my sg number la
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
need to accompany mum la
dean says:
but each time i wanted to meet u up,u did say tat u gona go to ur relatives house

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
each time?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
did u say each time?
dean says:
hey,aniway,can i meet u again tis coming week?i really need to meet u

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
oh really?
dean says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
what for?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i wanted to see then, u simply ignored me
dean says:
i feel its best to apologise to u face2face rather than on the net
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
so it took u bloody 5 months to finally meet me?
dean says:
5 months rather than nothing

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dunno din
dean says:
pls pls pls pls plssssss
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
if i agree i'll be doing what i've just been doing last time
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
agree to meet, and u screw it all up by not showing up
dean says:
doing last time?wat u mean?
dean says:
no not tis time
dean says:
i promise
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i think i've made things too easy for u all this while
dean says:
to early to say that i'm a liar now
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i'd say too late
dean says:
i prove to u this time n future to come

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
there's nothing for u to prove anything to me
dean says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i'll agree to meet u.
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i wont meet u one on one
dean says:
but what?
dean says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dun want it to be just you and me
dean says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i want somebody else to be there
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
like who
dean says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
anyone u n i know
dean says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i dun want people to see me with a husband to be, someone's fiance
dean says:
u dun hav to wory bout that....i'll inform her
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
what will u inform her?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
who is her?
dean says:
its nothing wrong to meet a fren,am i rite?
dean says:
u noe i noe
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
does she know?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
forget i ask u that
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
of course she dunno
dean says:
i hope u understand my situation
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u are having a situation?
dean says:
yup,my situation now is to meet u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
that is not a situation to begin with
dean says:
yes it is...i jus wana begin a new life

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
of course ur entering a new life
dean says:
i jus wana clear tings up wit u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
once again i am really really sory wat i've done to u all this while

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
no u r not
dean says:
sincerely frm bottom of ma heart
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
cut the crap
dean says:
say wateva u want....i'm not givin up

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u hiding all this while shows that u gave up
dean says:
no i'm not
dean says:
i'm not running or hiding frm u

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u gave me the impression that u were doing just that
dean says:
i wud not b here now if thats what u think
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u wouldn't say hi to me if i didn't start this conversation
dean says:
i didn't noe that u were online
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u didn't know?
dean says:
a msg popped up n i'm so delighted that u really send a msg to me

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u were delighted to see tt i really sent u a msg n u didn't knwo i was online
dean says:
i was surf on other websites n a msg box blinks so i click on it

dean says:
u think i'm computer expert?
dean says:
r u there?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u know im in a phase where im finding it very difficult to believe everything said
dean says:
or my network is slow?
dean says:
oh ok u r finally here

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
no ur network is fine

dean says:
i noe its difficult to blief wateva i said now
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
i'm tryin my very best to change it now
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
so whats the plan?
dean says:
n i wud

dean says:
hey,if u think that i'm gona lie to u again, then go ahead...wat else r there for me to hide since u noe everyting
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i knew u r gonna say that..i just knew it ur gonna say just that!
dean says:
as i told u earlier i'm sincerely sory for wat i've done n i wana make up wit u

dean says:
n thats the whole truth

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
it will b stupid of me to lie n lie n lie to again tis time
dean says:
no NOT this time
dean says:
cos i noe that i've u hurt u deep deep
dean says:
n i wouldn't want that to happen again
dean says:
dean says:
no more

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
of course it wont happen again
dean says:
thank u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
coz there wont be a next time
dean says:
hmmm...thats not wat u think

dean says:
the thing is i wud not hide aniting frm u no more
dean says:
even if there's next time or never
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
thats because there wont be anything to hide anymore
dean says:
oh really
dean says:
so u think u noe everything
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i think i know what i think i shd know
dean says:

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
taht u cheated on me? tt u got engagged merely 5 days after i got ur getting married
dean says:
i wanted to tell u but it wud b disaster cos u jus came back frm oversea

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dean says:
i wouln't wan to hurt u no more
dean says:
i'm saying truly frm the heart
dean says:
i noe its hard for u to blief me this time,i'm not givin up...hope to see u smile again
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
thats not gonna be easy
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dun hope to see me smile just concentrate on seeing ur other half smile thats more important
dean says:
i noe...i jus pray to god
dean says:
dun say that
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
its true isn't it?
dean says:
i felt so guilty now

dean says:
if i kol or msg u on ur mobile,wud u reply?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
if u call me now, i wont
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
not at this hour
dean says:
i really need to see u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i would if im still in perth
dean says:
y can't now

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u mean u still keep my number?
dean says:
of cos
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
oh.coz i duncoz i deleted all ur numbers already
dean says:
i noe u r being sarcastis here

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
that and the truth
dean says:
i dun think so
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
dun call me nowdo it during the day
dean says:
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
u can check my hp if u dun believe me
dean says:
by the moment i c u,u wud hv delete it aniway

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i deleted all ur numbers 5 months ago
dean says:
well ok i understand

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
why wd i wanna keep ur number anyway, u nv answered my calls nor reply my last msg
dean says:
but i noe u wud not delete me in ur life,dun u?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
why shd i have u in my life when u have someone else to share ur life with?
dean says:
u kol me now n i would answer now
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
im not calling u
dean says:
ok i understand ur anger

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
good.suddenly u've become very understanding
dean says:
even though i hv some1 to share my life with,that doesn't mean we can't kip in touch

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
it wont be the same
dean says:
i won b the same...only time wud tell
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
of course
dean says:
hey i'm sory again...sory for everthing i've done

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
say that straight to my face
dean says:
thats wat i gona do once i meet u alright...
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
yeah, right
dean says:
u r too good for me...can't deny that
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
no im not
dean says:
i'm so sory to let u down all this years..i'm sory Arlinda
dean says:
Arlinda,i'm terribly sory
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
know what?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
im tired
dean says:
so u tired listening to me?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
im tired coz i had a long day at workand since u mention that, ya, that too
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
im not even listening to u
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
coz u r not talking
dean says:
can't imagine that u really say that to me...i'm hurt but its ok i'm not givin up
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
oh it hurts?
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i thought u nv get hurt
dean says:
nevermind,forget wat i jus said
dean says:
thats wat u thought...

Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
okso ur not hurt
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
just a statement u made so tt i might feel sorry for u
dean says:
up to u to judge...i'm not forcing anithing
dean says:
no i'm not asking u to say sory alright...
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
im not judging
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
know what
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i gotta go
dean says:
oh ok...u hv a gd nyte rest n take care to werk tomoro..
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
im not working tmrw
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
its saturday
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
if i work, i wont be here cahtting with u at this hour
dean says:
wow thats great....but i am(sob sob)
dean says:
if u r tired,then u shud hv ur rest now then
Princess Delysa*~Find me a huge dandelion to blow~ says:
i will
dean says:
ok gd nyte

And she went off to bed at 0320.
No she didn't cry.
Maybe she had turned into a heartless person now.

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 2:11 AM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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