Monday, September 19, 2005
I was about to staart my car to go to uni for my test which started at 6:30 just now, and i decided to take a look at my watch to see whether i was going to reach there on time.So, once i started my car and let the engine running, i held out my right hand to take a look at my watch.What did i see?My square faced and my round faced silver watches on the same hand. No wonder i couldn't find square faced one while i was getting ready and decided to put on the round faced one without realising that i had the other one on! And i had two watches in one hand!Of course i took off one of the watches and placed it in my coin purse.Tsk...Im typing this in the living room while watching the Emmy's.I just hafta mention Jennifer Love Hewit looked so pretty in that dress! everything about her i saw on the show, i likeeee!!!
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 9:55 PM