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Saturday, September 10, 2005

My project mates cancelled our 6pm meeting yesterday. So...

Horie, Erni, Sitti, Asyif and me went for rock climbing in Northbridge yesterday.
i am proud to say that i managed to climb till level 2 and a half of rock climbing (well, they're numbers 6 and 9 and halfway of 10). Challenging especially number 10 where i can only climbed halfway. Sitti didn't climb. Horie, Asif and Erni, climbed very well with number 16 as their highest level,(and i'm only like 9 and a half! yeah! Go on, laugh.). Especially Horie. You should see the way she climb. Its just like spiderwoman meets superwoman meets elasticwoman. From the way i look, she did it so effortlessly climbing from bottom till top. Its looked like as if she's merely crawling on the wall.

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Spiderwoman/man in the making

I didn't take a picture so show that i did climb, coz i was too excited to start climbing that i forgot to ask Sitti to snap a picture of me climbing. After 3 climbs, i gave up. My arms started to ache, and i started to walk funny. Haha. Then i started to have my camera with me and snapped as the rest made their way to the top. Well, actually i could climb number 6 (the easieast one)again to the top and have them take a pic of me, but i just couldn't be bothered to climb again. I think i've used up most of my energy.

I declare that rock climbing is just not my thing.

I'll just stick to climbing stairs. Hurhur

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 7:11 AM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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