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Monday, September 12, 2005

Petrol prices are soaring higher and higher each day.

When i first got my charade, its a common sight to see unleaded pertol at Caltex at $0.98 per litre. When it reached to $1.18, thats considered too high already and when i really needed to top up my tank, i'd just top it up for $5.

Now, the highest price that i saw recently was $1.35 per litle for unleaded petrol. So, when i was on my way to school this morning and i saw that the price along Manning Road was $1.31, i thought, ok, i definitely need to top up my tank since the needle is just a few milimetres upon reaching the letter E. But when i got back from school, i decided to go to carousel to buy some stuff and shampoo, and decided to top up my tank at the one in Albany.

And, it saved me $0.01.. Weeee!!
I decided to top it up full tank, and full tank to me was around $30 around my time when the prices were not that high. And now, $30 is not even full. the needle is only like, 0.7cm towards the letter F. But thats ok..

I am contented that my fuel is more than half of the tank..

I guess i won't have to visit Caltex for the next 2 weeks or so, at least.

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 2:36 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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