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Monday, April 17, 2006


I wanna blog about my experience of driving my dad's manual car yesterday (like, finally! after 2 and a half years, and after nearly 6 months of not sitting in the driver's seat.)

To sumarise it all up, i've come up with the following words:

If u want snippets of the story, go to my friendster blog, by clicking on the my friendster blog on one of the links on the right.


It seems that i can hand in my resignation letter anytime now. I was thinking of handing it in this friday or at least after i received the letter of offer.

Treat me well, or i will give them my resignation letter straight away. They wouldn't want me to do that, especially at this time where deadlines are so tight, and when one of the staff had just resigned last week. But, please, don't put me at a client's place alone "to start off the audit by completing the expenses items first" and then, forget about me. I'm nearly done with all the schedules, i just didn't know if they were correctly done because last year's file which was meant to be for my reference was sooooooo bloody damn messy. It wasn't even filed properly into the file. Just pieces of loose papers put together in a file.

Please remember that i'm only required to give one day's notice. I could be nice and finish up all my part, or be really nasty and let you clear my mess, which is unlikely coz my part's nearly done. Furthermore, i wouldn't want you to see me as someone irresponsible.

The best thing is, they really didn't know that i will be resigning soon.

And so do you...

Except that, you've known it already now.


Will tell u more when i resign.

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 10:33 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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