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Saturday, December 03, 2005

My Saturday was spent at Erni's washing Baby Char.

We didn't have any detergent for washing cars coz the ones that i bought, i have given to Kamaruzaman last semester since he's always washing his car regularly and those detergent that i bought had been sitting under my bed collecting dust for almost 1 year. At least they would be put to good use in Kamaruzaman's hands. And i think they've been used up already since he had successfully sold his car and is now in Singapore.

So, me and Erni washed Baby Char using dishwashing liquid. Hehe..yup!
Baby Char is all cleaned now, no more bird droppings (wait, there's a new one just now, i saw!), both exterior and interior. I am so proud of Erni and myself.

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Erni hard at work
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Now u see it..
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Now, u don't

After washing, off to Nandos for lunch, then walked around UWA when i decicded to put on my purple jacket coz the cool breeze starts to make us shiver.

Then i started complaining to Erni that i felt funny wearing my jacket, how it was uncomfortable, it just didn't feel right. Coz when i came to her place earlier with my jacket on, it definitely felt better and comfy.

So, while in UWA, Erni had to put up with my complains and whines on 'why my jacket felt funny' for every 10 minutes. (Sorry Erni!)
Stopped by at Erni's before i went home coz i needed to go to the loo and decided to find out what was wrong with my jacket.

I found the perfect answer.

I wore it upside down. Not inside out, but upside down, the part where its suppose to be near my neck is not anywhere near my neck but at my waist, and the part where its supposed to be at my waist is at my neck!

Correct way of wearing the jacket, see how the jacket sits perfectly on me:

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Post LaserQuest, March 2005

But i wore it upside down today, see how it looked retarded on me:

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UWA, Dec 2005

Notice the difference? Never mind, i noticed,and it was surely uncomfortable, ok!

Silly me, made Erni laughed non-stop when i told her that i wore my baju terbalik!

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 9:54 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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