Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Sitti shd be back, safe and sound in her home in sg by now.
I managed to get her Jesters pie and got it packed neatly in a Jesters box just for her as her farewell gift.
If i hadn't change my flight details, i would've already be high up in the sky watching whatever movies thats being screened in the flight now, at this very second. Yeah, IF.
So, today we were short of one babe. The sometimes normal four, had now became three, and the usually normal three had now become just two.
Horie didn't get to send Sitti off as she was working.
Just the two of us. Me and Erni.
From the airport, we decided to become tourists by going public.
Parked baby Char at Milpoint near Malini's place and decided to buy a return ticket for a ferry ride to the city. The return ticket costs us $1(concession). Took the ferry to Barack street where the Swan Bell is, had lunch at Annalakshmi, (indian vegertarian cuisine where we just have to pay any amount we want and the money goes to some charity organisation). After lunch, we took the free Blue cat service to bring us to the city where Erni did her shopping spree and i did my wondow shopping.
Then we took the ferry back to Swan River in Milpoint and drove us back home. I couldn't go anywhere else because the less than 10 minutes ferry ride gave me a headache. Arggh. I shocked ourselves when i made Baby Char jumped suddenly by driving up a curb. i saw the curb, but i thought i could avoid it, and then the next thing, we were both shocked at the sudden jerky ride.
Perhaps, next time, we'll try taking the ferry to Fremantle. ;)
Ok, i'm still giddy now.
So, i'll stop here.
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 5:38 PM