Thursday, November 24, 2005
I guess, today, is just me.
Nothing seemed to go along well.
First, my chest hurts while at Erni's.
Then my stomach hurts.
While driving, my shoulders hurts.
While walking in Carousel, my leg hurts, as if there one spot under the back of my knee that felt so stiff.
And i'm just so easily tired.
Met anoher potential buyer at Curtin at 6.
I wanted to meet her at 8, but she said 8 was too late.
I agreed to meet her at 6 despite knowing that i will have to cancel our plan to wash Baby Char at Erni's place that afternoon.
Met her there with her guy housemate, which made me think that its her boyfriend.
She express interest to buy the car, the guy test drove the car.
If i'm a guy, i'd be terribly embarrased by the way he drove.
Come on, i'm girl.
I drive a small auto non-power steering car for the past few months i've been here.
Yes, the steering wheel is heavy, but trust me, there are other cars that i drove that didn't have any power steering and its DEFINITELY 100 times heavier than my steering wheel.
My steering wheel, althought its non power steering, its the lightest of the non-power steering of all.
The boyfriend can't even make a turn without struggling on the wheel.
"Oh no, there's no power, its so uncomfortable!"
You are a guy for goodness sake.
Try parking the car, I think ur arms will fell off.
And the girlfriend, i can safely say that i look tiny next to her.
And she, too struggled.
In fact, i dun think she can even drive.
I felt like i'm riding a horse when she drove the car.
And the best part was, when she said, "Your car is very small."
And i went like, "Yeah, its a Charade. Are u expecting a bigger car?"
Come on la, its a Charade for goodness sake, not a Mercedez Benz, not a lorry and of course, not a TRUCK. Of course its SMALL!! Its only a 1 Litre car. If u really want something bigger, stick to taking the bus.
They said they will think about it.
I know, for sure, she'll give it a pass.
I won't be surprised.
And i wouldn't want Baby Char to have her as her next owner either.
One candidate sms-ed me later saying he couldn't buy baby Char.
I appreciate that. I really do. At least he has the courtesy to tell me that he couldn't buy the car coz his parents dun allow him to. (His case was, he wanted a small cheap car that he can afford with his own money and he didn't want to use his parent's money. Of all candidates, i'd be very happy to sell Baby Char to him. He expressed his interest on Baby char while test driving it. He said he really like the car and everything, BUT, now, his parents won't want him to get another car. He is a nice guy, and his girlfriend happen to be my friend. Both from Brunei. In fact i was surprised to see him after the call to ask for a test drive. When i met them, i went like, "Hey, i know you!") Just not my rezeki to get my car for $2k frm him.) Its ok. See, at least he's polite he informed me that he couldn't buy the car.
Not like some,(i.e the first candidate) who said, "ok, i'lll let you know latest by Saturday."
2 Saturdays have gone.
I knew it wouldn't be her either when i didn't receive any calls by 3 on that particular Saturday.
I think i sounded mean today. Especially about the candidate that i saw earlier.
So, its really just me.
Its that time of the month.
I'm worried now.
If i didn't get the car settled as soon as possible, i'd be postponing my flight back to Singapore to a later date.
In fact, i already call all the flight service this morning.
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:51 PM