Saturday, September 24, 2005
Went to the city yesterday with Ariana, Malini, Faizal and Irfan to look for Diana's birthday present. Initially we wanted to get her the Harry Potter book, coz she wanted one, but we ended up buy a gift voucher from Augusten Roberts (Think Borders), coz Diana had been telling her friends that she wanted a Harry Potter book as one of her birthday presents. What if she told 20 friends, and 20 friends gave her the same book? So, we settled for the voucher, that way, she can still buy whatever books she wants to if other people get her the book.
CityBeat next, to look for another present for one of their friends. So, visor season is back. And i was so close to buying a visor for him for his birthday in October, when i thought, Why bother? Why bother break my record of not contacting him for nearly 2 months when he didn't make the effort to try to contact me at all? Besides most white visors that i saw were not manly looking, so, forget it. Then i was so close to buying a cap for him. But then again, i didn't,same reason as above.
Oh, i think i have a potential buyer for my Baby Char already. Irfan. I found out that he intend to buy a car after he pass his driving test which is soon. I found out about it when i sent him home last night. And he already knew about me and Baby Char through ex-housemate when i myslef haven't told anyone of my intention to sell Baby Char. But he read my mind. Good la. Can scout out potentional buyers without me knowing. Heh.Let's see, what shall i do today.
Ida's parents are on a pinnacles tour and i think they won't be back till night.
Perhaps i'll go to the library. Or go for a walk. Or just stay at home. No. I'm definitely going out .
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 9:54 AM