Monday, June 20, 2005
Attended Norsiah's wedding, and met up with the BDS clan... So happy!
Norsiah was gorgeous!
Mariam is preggie with first child..
Huwaina is getting married in august(which means i can't attend)
Saw Mas for the first time in dunno how many years..(the last time i saw him was at Ridzwan's wedding and now ridzwan has 2 children!)
The usual people i saw at every BDS wedding i was invited to, Mardiana, Mariam,Kak Lin n Nur
Mus, Razik, Herman, Hairul, Hafizh n Ridzal, and Azila n hubby( which i missed their wedding last year)
I'm so happy to see them!!
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 12:00 AM