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Thursday, June 02, 2005

My eye twitched a lot today...

It twitched while i was looking for my heater at carousel...and i met Andara..

Usually when my eye twitched, whether left or right eye, it could either mean that i will meet someone i know when i'm outside..which usually happen, or that someone is coming over (this is especially so during hari will twitch and twitch and twitch continously)..

And usually when it twitch,here in Perth, it means that i will either meet someone i know when i'm outside (which is alwasy the case, coz just now i met Andara at carousel), or someone is gonna call me...usually him.. yeah..

My hp beeped just was my sister sms-ing me saying that she was at camp in school with the students...

But my eye is still twitching now...

So, is he gonna call me tonight? Or tomorrow? or Saturday? i dunno..

Coz the last time we talked was about...2 weeks ago...

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:31 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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