I was in my room a few days ago when i accidently heard this husband and wife conversation.
Wife to hubby: My that one tak stop stop seh.. Hubby : Huh? What is it? Wife: My bleeding... tak stop stop..punyalah lama..
And they continued talking about don't-know-what which i didn't pay any attention coz i was surprised that the wife actually mentioned about her bleeding. And i was like, excuse me??! Isn't the normal bleeding for new mothers last for about 30 days and at most 60 days?? And u were like what, only 2 and a half weeks into motherhood? Hello??
Well, ok, maybe the figures above are not accurate but i'm confident that it will be that long. If i remember correctly from the weekly religiously class that me and my family attended in Sg where one of the topics covered is on Women's issue - Masalah Haid & Nifas, it was mentioned that the very least of the least that new mothers will experience bleeding after birth will last about 1 second and at the very most is 60 days, while the normal bleeding average is about 40 days. That is Nifas bleeding.
The difference between Nifas and Haid, which is our normal monthly menstrual cycle is of course, Nifas is experienced by mother after child birth while Haid is by all ladies who are not pregnant. And the other difference is the number of days. If Nifas at least is 1 second and at most is 60 days, Haid is at least 24 hours (ie, 1 whole day and 1 whole night), and at the very most, 15 days.. And when ur bleeding had stopped, (this one i assume that u all know ok, but im just gonna type it out in case, some might not know,) u need to mandi hadas besar, ok? Ok!
There... just the basic of the very most basic knowledge that all ladies shd know about this Women Issue.
If, u've never known, isn't it great that u learnt something new today? And please, eh, i'm not trying t be action clever or what, but i just wanna share this important info with u...
Sedekah informasi la kononnya.. Especially in this blessful month of Rejab..
My fren Ita sent me an email: So, now another info i wanna share..
Sadaqah Jariah - Kebajikan yang tak berakhir 1. Berikan al-Quran pada seseorang. Dan setiap dibaca Anda mendapatkan hasanah. 2. Sumbangkan kursi roda ke hospital. Setiap orang sakit yang menggunakannya, Anda dapat hasanah. 3. Berbagi bacaan yang membangun dengan seseorang. 4. Bantu pendidikan seorang anak. 5. Ajarkan seseorang sebuah do'a. Pada setiap bacaan do'a itu, Anda dapat hasanah. 6. Berbagi CD Quran atau Do'a. 7. Terlibat dalam pembangunan sebuah mesjid. 8. Tempatkan pendingin air(water cooler?) di tempat umum. 9. Tanam sebuah pohon. Setiap manusia atau binatang berlindung dibawahnya, Anda dapat hasanah. 10. Bagikan email ini dengan orang lain. Jika seseorang menjalankan salah satu dari hal diatas, Anda dapat hasanah sampai hari Qiamat. Ameen