Thursday, May 26, 2005
I had classes this morning.. Its thursday, Thursday is Audit day. 9:30-11:00 audit tutorial then 11 -12:30 audit lecture..
After that went home, ate my bread spread with jam and butter (no more nuttella and peanut butter..hehe), which i made in the morning to be brought to school but didn't eat it. Haha, that bread went to school like me and i only ate it when i got back.
I insisted Ida to watch taufik with me while she was having her roti telur. I have been pestering and asked her if she wanna watch Taufik...hehe..Watched his performance in Muzika Extravanganza and the miss sibgapore universe, MY BOO n ME & MRS JONES... My marginal utility for Taufik is still very high.. Go Taufik!!!
I watch him everyday!
After went went Carousel to buy some stuff, groceries basically, and i though of buying apresent for Dhada for this Saturday...I ended up buying stuff for myself instead.. I bought 2 tops frm Cotton On, exact same tops in different
green and one
black and a white scarf... So, now i have a total of 3 similar tops from Cotton On in different colours. 2 new ones that i bought today and the other one i was a long time ago which was beige..hehe
Then after walking from one end to the other end of CArousel went to Woolies to buy groceries which i had a short list written down. With a list in hand, i still miss one thing..i wanted to buy ladies' finger, and i only remembered that i had forgotten to buy it when i was driving on my way back...
So, the Bamiah that i cooked today was incomplete. No ladies' finger. I didn't know i can cook Bamiah! hehe.. Not bad at all.. i didn't know it was that simple!
Now my feet hurt..
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 8:35 PM