Sunday, May 22, 2005
Yesterday's Long distance conversation with ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
me:nanti i balik nak i belikan apa-apa tak?---: sembarang sembarang?apa?? u dun have anything in ur mind? nak topi ke baju ke, wallet ke, apa-apa ke?---: *after much thinking* u belikan i visor visor?---: u tahu tak visor tu apa?me: *after pausing* dia mcm topi tapi bukan topi kan? Topi yg terbukak tu eh?---: Aah..u jgn beli yg tertutup pulak..tu bukan visor taume: color apa u nak?---: belikan putih ah..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Spoke to --- after not doing for at least 2 weeks.. but it was a short one coz the mother asked him to go buy something froma shop.. Jadilah..
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 9:55 PM