Sunday, May 15, 2005
Just got back from lini's place.. It was raining..watched Monsoon Wedding with her. The show not bad ..ok-ok.. I think bride n prejudice is more colourful.
Why was i at lini's place? Well, yesterday, Nal had this box of chocolates miniatures that he has to sell for rundraising... I bought myself a box of snickers and when i saw that m&ms, i just thought of lini, and so, i bought m&ms as well to give her..hehe.. And she likes it!! I finished my whole box of snickers by this afternoon.. hehe..gelojoh! gelojoh! And i also gave the house one rempah mee rebus that was very delicious...

*my snickers & lini's m&ms*
Initially i thought of going straight to her place from home, but hearing that ariana is in school, then, i asked ariana when's she going back since i'm going to her place also then can go together. She agreed. Furthermore it was raining today, so no harm giving her a lift. Suppose to meet her near the john curtin building, but when iu reached there, she wasn;t there, so i called her up, and she was near in the field nearby with the guys. So i went there.. Upon reaching there, she asked if i wanna watch the game, its between s'pore vs m'sia fren fren kinda game. So, i said, if she wanna watch it, then go ahead, i'll just wait in the car. I told her that it was raining(well, actually it did but it wasn't raining that very second) and i was cold, and i can watch the game from my car. On top of that the grass were wet, and i dun wanna wet my feet ( if! i was wearing covered shoes with sock, not sandles! excuses! excuses! excuses!) Well, she persuade me, but i was being stuborn headed and refuse to go out..hehe.. why? because Mr A was there... hehe..
Bila sampai melville pulak, aku rasa kepeningan, macam nak kedemaman, tetapi aku ke-ok-an..dan sekarang ku kengantukan pulak.. Tadi drive nak balik pun terllajak-terlajak...buat u-turn balik, sampai rumah melville, then start driving from square one...keselenga-anku amat terselah.. Perjalanan pulak dalam kehujanan dan amat kesejukan, dan dalam kegelapan...
Baikla, sebelum ku mula kemerepek-meraban, baik kukeberhentian di sini..
Keselamatan kemalaman...
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:17 PM