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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Remember i mentioned that i was tired last night, and i dozed off awhile while watching American Idol? Yes, i was tired, coz i spent the day cleaning my room n bathroom and toilet...
As a result, i became absent-minded... Well, i was tired, and when AI ended, i was thinking of going straught to bed, but i got distracted by the comp, decided to post my blog and went blog hopping, then i went to bed.. What did i forget to do? Yup, i forgot to do something important.

I forgot to put the plastic cover back on the seat that i sat on. Well, whenever i watched tv in the living room, usually i sat on the floor, because i was afraid that i might forget to put the plastic cover back on after i sat on it... Ok, back to a result, that seat was pee-on by the cat... I totally forgot about the plastic cover. Totally! i didn't remember to put it back on at all... Well, maybe because i seldom watch tv alone in the living room, and even if i did, i usualy sit on the floor or i will at least remember to put the palstic back on the seat.....but unfortunately, yesterday was exceptional.

I only realised it when i woke up this morning. I heard that Gizmo was being punished by being locked in the bathrooom. At first i didn;t know the reason. But then, i remembered.. The plastic cover. Gizmo was punished because she pee-ed on the white chair which i forgot to cover. Whoopsy.. I am feeling guilty.

Now housemates are not home.. They went grocery shopping and looking for Hyder's birthday present. So, i kinda have to wait for them to come back to apologise.

Hyder turn 2 today, there's a birthday party at his house at 3. Ida wants to cook mee goreng to bring to the party, but she's not home yet..And its 1:40... I helped her blend onions and dried prawns and cut the beef in thin slice.. I'm not going tio the party.. I have my own reasons.. Talk abt it soon..

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 1:25 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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