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Wednesday, June 11, 2008

7 June 2008 came too quickly, and the next thing i knew, its all over.

7 June 2008, the day i became a Mrs K.

Alhamdulillah, all went well.

I don't have much pictures from my sister's camera and i do not know who has the pictures apart from my official and unofficial photographers.

So, here is one which i kinda like and had 'stolen' from Lynn, taken a few minutes after the solemnisation.

Here's us, with Lynn, Rashid and Audrey, from France.

To Lynn and Rashid, thank you so much for being with us on both days to capture our eventful day, voluntarily. A million words if thank you is never enough to express our gratitude to both of you.

To all who had attended to our wedding, whether we met or not, thank you for becoming a part of our big day.

To my wonders, i don't know what actually happened at the gerbang on Sunday, but nevertheless, sorry that what u had planned didn't happen. *Lol* We will meet up one day to distribute ur duit hadang k?

And of course, my biggest thank you goes to my family and relatives who had helped out on both days, be it my aunts and cousins who helped out with the delicious food on Saturday and my cousins and nieces and nephews who had gotong-royong and sinsing lengan to cuci pinggan and rewang-rewang, but still manage to look good in your heels and orange baju kurung which you were ordered to wear hehe..(they might not be reading this, but, who cares).

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 3:32 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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