Saturday, February 24, 2007
To nobody in particular...
If there's anything that u wanna know abt me, about us, ask me directly, or ask him directly. there's no point asking somebody else coz that he or she do not live with us, neither does he or she was with us 24/7, listening to our plans 24/7, being everywhere we go 24/7, know every details about us 24/7.
Seriously, i believe its not fair that u bombarded her/him with questions relating to us. Give him/her a break, please. I'd be fully irrirated if i were to be in her shoes.
Perhaps, the reason why u never ask me was because u knew u're not gonna get any answers from me. Because, most of the time, i chose not to answer, because its too private. Its our private live, personal live. If we're ready to asnwer u, we definitely will. Bombard me with questions, i'd get irritated and will choose to ignore you. If i keep quiet when u ask, take the que, its time to stop. You'll never get any answers from me.
There's nothing extraordinary about our lives. Its the same as yours.
Respect it, please.
And leave my friend alone.
For my sake, for our sake, for her sake.
What i'm saying here is, ask me directly.
It saddens us, really, that people choose to go toother alternative routes to get an answer.
Sorry again..
lynn-delysa just penned that down at 2:31 PM