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Friday, January 05, 2007

My boss is so kind-hearted.
Suddenly he came to my desk handing me a little white envelope, saying, "Linda, this is for u, i didn't get to see you last friday . Selamat hari raya!"

I was stunned, and said my thanks and wished me selamat hari raya to him too..hehe


Ok, now, guys, dun make it a habbit to let ur girl/lady/woman friend hold ur walltes/ipod/ whatever it is that u carry around, coz u might end up not going home.

That nearly happened to him. He has this habbit of asking me to 'tumpang' his wallet/handphone/i-pod into my handbag/wateva bag i'm carrying.

First, it was his i-pod. I dun even know it was in my bag till it suddenly it struck my mind. And the best thing was, he was to balik kampung for 4 days. So he had to part with his i-pod for 4 days. so kesian!

Then, just now, when i reached home, had my dinner, watched tv, delay dally here and there, i reached for my handphone, and got a shock when i saw tha t i have 23 missed called and 5 messages.

He couldn't go back coz his ipod AND wallet were still in my bag.

so, he's like downstairs trying to call me, when i'm happily eating my dinner while watching tv in the living room.

Hence the 23 plus 6 or so missed calls.

So kesian!

So cartoon la he!

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:40 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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