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Saturday, November 24, 2007

I've been busy and tired and unrested.

When was my last entry?


10 October 2007. Our tenth ten.

That was before Hari Raya.

So, this entry is gonna be prettymuch backdated.


Selamat Hari Raya!

Two years ago, this house celebrated Eid without me.

This year, we celebrated Eid without my sister.

*First 2 days of hari raya.*

Then, a fews weeks later, Mr K and I were invited for a hari raya dinner at Seri's in Senkang.

*Dinner with Seri and family.*

Then, i was honoured to have Nani and bf to visit my place for raya. Thanks for coming, Nani! :)

3rd November 2007.

Happy Birthday Adibah!!

Before meeting the wonders, it was lunch at my manager's.

After lunch, met up with Mr K, and i had made him panicked. I fainted in the train. Heh! Sorry, dear. It just happened. That had not happen for quite some time, and my blood pressure decided to be at its lowest point on that day in the train.

Because of what happened and because of my not so good condition, i was contemplating whether to go to anoher invitation that evening. A wedding dinner of friend from Poly. It was Dayana's wedding dinner reception cum Adibah's birthday dinner.. (Boleh gitu? hehe) the bride looked goegeous.

*No, i did not faint at the wedding reception.*

8 November 2007, Tasya came over from KL.

9 November 2007.

Happy Birthday Sitti!

Nani baked a fantastic chocolate cake for her. And on this day, Sitti celebrated her birthday as a bachelorette for the last time because...

10 November 2007

It was a beautiful, simple solemnisation at Sultan Mosque. Alhamdulillah, all went well.

That day also, being the last day of Syawal was raya outing with my wonders..

And, just today, we had dinner at my boss place.

Great food, great deserts and delicious cheese and prune on a stick (i ate 4 sticks of those!)

Now, i just need to find the time to upload my pics..They will be in my multiply.

Its not helping that my pc at home had gone *kapoot*

lynn-delysa just penned that down at 11:07 PM

about me
lynn delysa
|singapore|virgo|mid 20's|

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