Yup! Thats what we had for dinner just now. Steak with mashed potatoes with white sauce n brown onion sauce and barbequed chicken n sausage and brocollis...Yum!! I'm now im so full!!Housemate Nal barbequed the chicken and sausages, Ida cooked our steak and the sauces and i did the mashed potato thingy.. the best thing was the sauces and potatoes are instant stuff. Brocollis, we just boil and then sprinkle some salt and pepper. Guess how long it took us to prepare all the above? We started at 6, we started eating at 7. You do the math. :)
It started raining today. Is it winter already ? Should be..maybe..winter came a bit late this year. Its cold now..but not very cold, coz i'm not wearing my bed socks and my jacket this very moment. I'm confortable with what i'm wearing. Cotton pants with 3-quarter sleev t-shirt and my butterfly dress pyjamas over them.
What did i do today? Slack. Oh man! I'm such a slacker!! I'm suppose to do a lot of things. One week break had gone, and i had nothing done. Well, not nothing, i did something, but they were not completed. My audit tutorials for Thursday..I planned to get it done by tomorrow latest. I aimed to finish it by tonight. Why did i mention tomorrow? To act as a buffer..hehe.. then i want to practice my financia analysis and portfolio. On top of that i still have my finance analysis assignment due on 10th may.I've got some things already. And finance portfolio? I think we're halfway there, just left with the written report i guess, its dune on June 1. i just wish those assignments wull fade away...Shooo!!
Wel, i better get myself started with my readings for my audit tutorials...*yawn*